Decarbonizing Aviation Mission Possible

In this resource, you’ll find in-depth information on the most effective ways to reduce aviation’s CO2 emissions, with insights from top industry experts.



Book summary:

What if decarbonizing aviation isn’t, at best, a utopian dream for a greener future, at worst, yet another marketing buzzword aiming to sway public opinion? What if we truly have in our hands the power to reduce aviation’s carbon footprint down to making it the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation?

In this book, the author and industry experts deliver an in-depth analysis of the many challenges and opportunities that arise from aviation’s carbon dependency. They offer a pragmatic and comprehensive overview of the solutions that are effective today to cut CO2 emissions. They also explore the innovations that will shape the aviation of tomorrow.

People of goodwill who are passionate about aviation and care about the planet, may you put all your heart and energy into this adventure and join the forces that prove that decarbonizing aviation is mission possible. Alexandre Feray – OpenAirlines Founder and CEO, Author of “Decarbonizing Aviation Mission Possible”.

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